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Digital Guidebook : The Key To Upselling and Increasing Revenue

Digital Guidebook

Digital Guidebook : The Key to Upselling and Increasing Revenue

Upgrade your digital guidebook –  In the competitive world of vacation rentals, every advantage counts. Vacation rental managers and Airbnb hosts are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance guest experiences while boosting revenue. Enter the YourWelcome Smart Tablet – a powerful tool designed to transform your guest book into a revenue-generating asset.

Here’s how you can monetize your digital guidebook and maximize your earnings with our smart tablet.

1) Offer Your Guests Upgrades, Not Hard Sells

Ever heard the phrase, “Would you like fries with that?” Well, it’s time to apply that mentality to your vacation rental and increase your revenue from every booking. The goal should be to add 10% of the booking revenue on every stay.

Late Checkouts and Mid-Stay Cleans: Guests often seek the convenience of a late checkout or a mid-stay cleaning service. By offering these options directly through the tablet (digital guidebook), you can cater to their needs and generate additional income.

Special Packages: Create tailored packages for special occasions such as birthdays or movie nights. These packages can include food, drink, and other amenities, all bookable through the tablet.

Equipment Hire: It is likely your guests will need equipment during their stay, whether it is bikes, beach equipment or fans. This presents a revenue opportunity for property managers who can service these requirements for the guest without them having to leave the house.

2) Affiliate Programs and On-Demand Services

Leverage the power of affiliate marketing by integrating various third-party services into your digital guidebook. Guests can conveniently book these services through the tablet, and you earn a commission on each transaction. Popular options include:

Airport Pickups and Car Rentals: Partner with local transport services. Your guests get a ride, and you get a cut.

Tourist Attraction Tickets: Provide easy access to tickets for popular tourist attractions and tours, enhancing the guest experience while earning you extra revenue.

Food and Grocery Delivery: Partner with local restaurants and grocery delivery services to offer guests the convenience of in-room dining.

Fitness Passes and Dry Cleaning: Collaborate with local gyms and dry cleaning services to offer guests additional amenities

3) Advertising Opportunities

YourWelcome Smart Tablet isn’t just a tool – it’s prime real estate for local businesses. Every guest that stays in the vacation rental will see and interact with the digital guidebook – this offers a way to get a return on investment in your digital guidebook.

Local Businesses: Restaurants, shops, and entertainment spots can advertise directly to your guests through targeted ads on the tablet.

Furniture and Home Goods: Guests love your decor? Sell them the same furniture and home goods through the tablet. It’s the easiest upsell you’ll ever make.

Real Estate: Partner with a local realtor to advertise properties for sale in the local area, charging the realtor a fixed cost per lead or monthly amount.

4) Promote Your Brand and Other Properties

Keep your guests coming back by making sure they remember who you are:

In-Property Branding: Display your branding prominently on the tablet to remind guests of the excellent experience they had, encouraging them to book directly with you in the future.

Advertise Other Properties: Do you manage more properties? Be sure to let your guests know. They might be interested in booking another stay with you in a different location.

Advertise Your Other Business: If your business has a real estate arm, you should advertise your home sales on the tablet. This is one of many examples of property managers using the YourWelcome Tablets to promote their other businesses.

5) Honesty Bar and Local Experiences

Make your guests’ stay memorable (and profitable):

Honesty Bar: Stock up on snacks and drinks. Guests can help themselves and pay through the tablet. It’s like a minibar for vacation rentals.

Local Vendor Collaborations: Partner with local chefs, boat rentals, and tour operators. Guests book through the tablet, enjoy unique experiences, and you earn a commission.

Offer Guests Discounts: Negotiate with local businesses (eg restaurants) to offer guests a discount – this is a great way to improve the guest experience and drive great reviews.

Client Success Story

To show you how effective the YourWelcome Smart Tablet / Digital Guidebook  can be, here’s a real-life example. From July 2023 to December 2023, one of our clients saw these fantastic results:

Average Use Time Per Stay

1 hour 10 minutes

Average Sessions Per Stay

5.7 sessions

# of Direct Service Orders

124 requests

Average Order Value

USD $72.05

These impressive statistics demonstrate the tablet’s effectiveness in engaging guests and driving revenue.

The YourWelcome Smart Tablet offers a versatile and powerful platform to transform your digital guidebook into a revenue-generating tool. By offering additional services, affiliate programs, and advertising opportunities, you can significantly enhance your guests’ experience while boosting your bottom line. Embrace the future of vacation rental management with YourWelcome and unlock the full potential of your properties.

Ready to maximize your rental revenue with the YourWelcome Smart Tablet / Digital Guidebook? Contact us today to learn more about our subscription plans and get started with free hardware for your properties.

Learn More About YourWelcome

Find out why YourWelcome is the most used digital guest experience product in the market.

YourWelcome Tablets offer a personalized guest welcome & a contactless check-in.

Using video property guides via YourWelcome tablets materially reduces guest questions and call outs relating to the property.

YourWelcome Tablets enable you to offer instantly assemble area guides, restaurant recommendations and discount offers to on-demand services.

Sell services direct to your guest. Popular services include Early & Late Check-In, Equipment Hire and additional cleaning.

YourWelcome’s suite of products streamlines guest communication, up-selling and brand interaction.

Display your brand and surface your property portfolio whilst the guest is in residence and increase your direct bookings.

Promote leaving a positive review of your property throughout the guest stay. A key element of vacation rental marketing is driving great reviews on OTAs & Google.

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